A Beginner’s Guide to Braided Fishing Line

Braided fishing lines have become an increasingly popular type of fishing line among anglers due to their castability and superior sensitivity. However, it can be overwhelming for beginners to choose the right braided line for their fishing needs.

In this guide, I will provide a comprehensive overview of braided fishing lines for beginners. I will cover everything from what braided line is and why you should use it.

Braided Fishing Line Guide For Beginners

Advantages of Using Braided Fishing Lines

  • Superior Strength: Has incredible strength. Unlike monofilament lines, braided lines have little to no stretch, which means that they can handle more weight without breaking. This is especially important when fishing in deep water or in areas with heavy cover, where the fish can easily break your line.
  • Increased Sensitivity: Because braided lines have little to no stretch, you can feel even the slightest bite from a fish. This is especially important when fishing for species that are known for being finicky or difficult to catch.
  • Versatile Use: Extremely versatile and suitable for a wide range of fishing styles, including jigging, trolling, and casting. Because they are so strong and sensitive, they are ideal for catching a wide range of species, from small panfish to large game fish.3
  • Durability: Highly durable and can last for a long time if properly maintained. Unlike other types of fishing lines, they are resistant to UV rays, which can cause other lines to weaken and break over time.
  • Floating Ability: Braided fishing lines will float more than other types of fishing lines, making them ideal for fishing top water.

Disadvantages of Using Braided Fishing Lines

  • Knot Tying Difficulties: Tying knots is one of the biggest challenges. The lines are incredibly slippery, which makes it difficult to tie knots that will hold. You need to ensure that you tie the right knot correctly; otherwise, your knot will slip and come undone. Most anglers use a Palomar knot; if you use the improved clinch knot, wrap it seven times.
  • Difficult to Master: Has a unique feeling that takes some getting used to. When switching from mono to braid, you may find it hard to deal with the extreme transfer of energy. Learning how to cast and retrieve with braided lines takes practice, and you may need to adjust your technique to get the best results.
  • Most Expensive: More expensive than mono or fluoro lines. While they are durable and long-lasting, the initial cost may be a barrier for some anglers.
  • Not Ideal for Clear Water: Highly visible in clear water, which can spook fish. You may want to consider using a monofilament or fluorocarbon line instead.
  • Recyclability: Not recyclable, but there are guidelines on how you should dispose of your braided fishing line.
  • High Visibility: Most visible underwater compared to other types of fishing lines. But their extremely thin diameter does make it harder to spot in the water.

How Braided Fishing Lines Are Made

I’ve always been fascinated by the process of how braided fishing lines are made. Braided lines are made from tiny fibers that are fused into strands and then braided into a solid line.

To start, the fibers used to make braided fishing lines are usually made from a synthetic material, such as Spectra or Dyneema. These fibers are incredibly strong and have a high tensile strength, which makes them ideal for fishing lines.

Once the strands have been created, they are then braided together to create the final braided fishing line. The number of strands used can vary depending on the manufacturer and the type of line being produced.

Types of Braided Fishing Lines

Choosing the right type of braided fishing line can make all the difference in your fishing experience. Different types of braided fishing lines are available in the market, and each has unique features and benefits.

Standard Braided Fishing Line

The standard braided fishing line is the most common type of braided line used by anglers.

Standard braided lines are typically made of Spectra or Dyneema fibers, which are known for their high strength and abrasion resistance. These lines are available in different pound test strengths, from 10 to 150 pounds, and are suitable for a wide range of fishing applications.

Hollow-Core Braided Fishing Line

Hollow-core braided lines are made of 16 carriers and are known for their seamless connections between the braid and the leader.

One of the unique features of braided fishing lines is that they can be made with a hollow core. The hollow core can be filled with a material, such as lead or tungsten, to give the line additional weight.

These lines are ideal for big-game fishing, where maximum line capacity and breaking strength are essential. Hollow-core lines are spliced or loop-to-loop connected to the leader using a terminal loop.

Fused Braided Fishing Line

Fused braided lines are made by fusing the individual strands of fibers together, creating a single, solid line. These lines are known for their high sensitivity, low stretch, and smooth casting ability.

Fused braided lines are suitable for a wide range of fishing applications, from freshwater to saltwater fishing.

Coated Braided Fishing Line

Coated braided lines are braided lines that are coated with a layer of PVC or fluorocarbon. This coating provides additional protection against abrasion and UV damage.

Coated braided lines are ideal for fishing in areas with heavy cover or structure, where the line may come into contact with rocks, logs, or other obstacles.

Colored Braided Fishing Line

Colored braided lines are standard braided lines that are dyed in different colors. These lines are beneficial in situations where you need to track the line’s movement, especially when fishing in deep water or low-light conditions.

Colored braided lines are available in different colors, including green, yellow, blue, and red.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Braided Fishing Lines

With so many options on the market, it’s important to consider a few key factors before making a decision. Here are some factors to consider when choosing braided fishing lines.


Strength is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting a braided fishing line. You want to make sure that the line can handle the weight of the fish you’re targeting.


The diameter affects the line’s sensitivity and casting distance. A thinner line will be more sensitive, allowing you to feel even the slightest bite, but it may not cast as far. A thicker line will cast farther, but you may also not feel the bites. Consider the type of fishing you’ll be doing and choose a line with an appropriate diameter.


The color of the braided fishing line can also play a role in your success as an angler.

Brightly colored lines are easier to see, making detecting bites and monitoring your line easier. However, some fish may be spooked by brightly colored lines, so it’s important to consider the water conditions and the type of fish you’re targeting. In clear water, a low-visibility line may be a better choice.

Abrasion Resistance

Braided fishing lines are susceptible to abrasion. When fishing in areas with rocks, logs, or other obstructions, you want a line that can handle the wear and tear.

Look for a line with a high abrasion resistance rating to ensure that it will hold up under tough conditions.

Brand and Price

Going for the cheapest option is tempting, you get what you pay for. A high-quality line from a reputable brand may cost more, but it will likely last longer and perform better than a cheaper alternative. Do your research and choose a line that fits your budget and meets your needs.

Proper Storage of Braided Fishing Lines

I know how important it is to properly store my braided fishing lines. Here are some tips on how to keep your braided fishing lines in good condition:

Keep it Dry

Braided fishing lines are made of synthetic materials that can absorb moisture, which can weaken the line over time. To prevent this, make sure to store your braided fishing lines in a dry place. Avoid storing them in damp areas like basements or garages. Instead, keep them in a cool, dry place like a closet or tackle box.

Keep it Clean

Dirt and debris can accumulate on your braided fishing lines, which can cause damage over time. To prevent this, make sure to clean your lines after each use. You can use a soft cloth or a special line cleaner to remove any dirt or debris. Be sure to rinse your lines thoroughly with clean water and let them dry completely before storing them.

Keep it Organized

Properly organizing your braided fishing lines can help prevent tangles and knots. You can use a line spooler or a line winder to keep your lines neatly organized. You can also use line clips or rubber bands to keep your lines from unravelling.

Keep it Protected

Braided fishing lines can be damaged by UV rays, which can cause the line to weaken and break over time. To prevent this, make sure to store your lines in a dark, cool place. You can also use a line conditioner or a UV protectant to help protect your lines from the sun.

How to Spool Braided Fishing Lines

Spooling braided fishing lines can be a bit tricky for novice anglers, but it’s not rocket science.

  1. Add a monofilament or fluorocarbon backing layer to the spool before spooling your braided fishing line. Use the arbor knot to attach your backing line to your spool. This backing prevents the braided line from slipping on the spool, and also helps to fill up the spool more effectively. I usually use about 50-100 yards of backing, depending on the size of the spool.
  2. Once the backing is in place, I attach the braided line to the backing using a double uni knot or an Albright knot. These knots are strong and reliable and won’t slip or break during casting or retrieval.
  3. Finally, I spool the braided line onto the spool, making sure to keep the tension even and consistent. I use my fingers to apply pressure to the line as it’s being spooled, which helps to prevent tangles and twists.

It’s important to note that braided lines don’t require as much tension as monofilament or fluorocarbon lines, since they don’t have as much memory. However, you still want to make sure that the line is spooled tightly and evenly to prevent tangles and twists.

Tips for Using Braided Fishing Lines

I have found that braided fishing lines can greatly benefit my fishing gear. However, using braided lines requires some adjustments to your fishing technique. Here are some tips that I have found helpful when using braided fishing lines:

Use a Leader

Braided fishing lines are known for their strength but can be highly visible in the water. To reduce the visibility of your line, use a fluorocarbon or monofilament leader. A leader also helps to absorb shock and prevent the braided line from breaking when a fish strikes.

Adjust Your Drag

Braided fishing lines have little to no stretch, which can make it easier to feel bites and set the hook. However, this lack of stretch also means the line can break more easily if the drag is too tight. Adjust your drag to a lower setting than you would with a monofilament line to prevent breakage.

Avoid Overfilling the Spool

Braided fishing lines are thinner than monofilament lines, which means that they can hold more line on the spool. However, overfilling the spool can cause the line to dig into itself and create tangles. To avoid this, fill the spool to about 75% capacity.

Use a Backing

If you want to fill your spool to its maximum capacity, use a monofilament or braided line backing. This will prevent the braided line from digging into itself and creating tangles. The backing also helps to absorb shock and prevent the braided line from breaking when a fish strikes.

Be Careful Around Obstacles

Braided fishing lines are strong, but they can also be abrasive. When fishing around obstacles such as rocks or wood, be careful not to let the line rub against them. This can cause the line to fray and weaken, leading to breakage.

Common Braided Fishing Line Issues and Solutions

I have experienced several issues with braided fishing lines. Here are some of the most common problems and their solutions:

Tangles and Knots

Braided lines are prone to tangling and forming knots, especially when casting. This can be frustrating and time-consuming. One solution is to use a line conditioner or lubricant before fishing. This will help the line slide through the guides smoothly and prevent tangles.

Line Visibility

Braided lines are more visible in the water than monofilament or fluorocarbon lines. This can be a disadvantage when fishing in clear water or when targeting wary fish. One solution is to use a monofilament or fluorocarbon leader. This will make the line less visible and increase the chances of a bite.

Line Slippage

Braided lines are slippery and can be difficult to tie knots with. One solution is to use a knot that is specifically designed for braided lines, such as the Palomar knot or the Double Uni knot. These knots are strong and reliable and will prevent the line from slipping.

Line Breakage

Braided lines are strong and durable but can still break under certain conditions. One solution is to use a line with a higher pound test. This will increase the strength of the line and reduce the chances of breakage.


What is braided fishing line?

A braided fishing line is made from synthetic materials like Poly-Ethylene fibers, Spectra, Dacron, Dura, and micro-Dyneema. It is made by weaving individual strands together into a single line. Braided lines can have 2 to 10 strands depending on the application they are designed for.

Why should I use braided fishing line?

A braided fishing line has several advantages over other types of fishing line. It has a higher strength-to-diameter ratio, which means it is stronger for its size than monofilament or fluorocarbon lines. It also has little to no stretch, which makes it easier to feel bites and set the hook.

How do I tie a knot with braided fishing line?

The most common knot used with braided line is the Palomar knot. To tie a Palomar knot, double the line and pass it through the eye of the hook. Tie an overhand knot with the doubled line and pass the hook through the loop. Tighten the knot by pulling on the tag end and the standing line.

How do I care for my braided fishing line?

To prolong the life of your braided fishing line, make sure to rinse it off with fresh water after each use. Also, be careful when reeling in your line to avoid creating knots or tangles that can weaken the line.

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